Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Belated Thank You!

After 4 months being away from writing on my blog, I'm coming back thanking Amber from Jade Louise Design. In October, she awarded me with the Versatile Blogger Award! It is my third Versatile Blogger Award!!!

Amber has a great blog where you can find a little bit of everything. From recipes, reviews and giveaways to beautiful hand craft design for babies and girls . As in her own words: "My name is Amber; and I am the writer/creator of JadeLouise Designs; a PR and Family Friendly Hodge Podge blog that shares everything about living in healthy and happy homes." 

I'm as happy and honored as I was when I received my first one. Thank you, Amber!

The Rules after accepting the Versatile Blogger Award are:

  • Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post. (Checked)
  • Share 7 things about yourself. (I have already done it when I received my first Award)
  • Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs. 

There are many GREAT blogs that deserve to receive this Award, but at this time, I want to make it special and for that, I am breaking the rules by awarding only one (1) website instead. I want to Award a great site and a parenthood community that has helped me and thought me tremendously. If you are a parent, you should check it out!

1 - The VoiceBoks - the voice of parenthood


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  1. New linky follower! Can I get a follow back? Thanks!



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